Door Hardware Trends for 2018

Door hardware trends 1# Door Hardware Trends for 2018

Bifold doors have become very popular over the past few years and this trend will continue in 2018. Tommafold is a unique, patented folding door system, that provides all the components required to create a premium result for folding doors, also known as bi-fold doors.

2# Secured By Design

Increasing Secured By Design approved hardware is being specified due to greater awareness of the accreditation and customers wanting secure solutions. Secured by Design (SBD), the national police crime prevention initiative encourages manufacturers of products like doors and windows to attain SBD’s Police Preferred Specification.

This accreditation requires independent third-party certification from a United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited organisation which ensures regular production audits and re-testing. This helps ensure quality over time, rather than the one-off testing required by the Building Regulations. Because SBD products are more robust to resist physical attack, last longer and require less maintenance. Quest sells a wide range of Secured By Design approved products including Tommafold bifold door gear.

3# Multi-point locks

As people become more security-aware multi-point locks are increasing in popularity on front and back timber doors. multi-point locks secure doors in several places with one turn of a key or lift of the door handle. Quest is set to launch a new range of multi-point locks in 2018.

4# Traditional and black hardware

For old properties and homes built in a traditional style, brands like ‘From the Anvil’ remain popular, with finishes such as black, pewter and bronze. This hardware is made from forged metal and is available as unique hand-forged pieces. Tommafold Bifold door gear is now also available in black, this is great for traditional properties where there is a desire to match existing black ironmongery.

5# Extensions

Due to economic uncertainty, lots of people are building extensions on their houses rather than moving. This trend is set to continue in 2018, keeping the demand for door hardware high.