Product Focus: Reliance W1 Window Hardware

Reliance W1 The Reliance W1 security espagnolette bolts for windows offer multipoint locking with a patented high-security claw system and steel shoot bolts.

This window hardware is Secured By Design approved (police approved specification) and has been tested to 100, 000 cycles.

The Reliance W1 has a claw that retracts completely making the system ideal for flush or traditional casements and can be used with timber or PVCu windows and is now fitted into millions of homes across the UK

The shoot bolts are available in 4 sizes and accommodate windows from 436mm to 1476mm. A 300mm extension bar is also available.

The keeps offer a Nightvent facility and the hardware has a 10-year mechanical guarantee. Each window is sealed against weather and unwanted visitors.

The keeps offer a Nightvent facility and the hardware has a 10-year mechanical guarantee. Each window is sealed against weather and unwanted visitors.

For ordering and advice, you can call the Quest team on 01280822062. The components include a Gearbox (25mm backset), shoot bolts ( 2 required per lock), keeps with Nightvent facility and an optional extension bar.

Daniel Wells, Sales Director at Quest commented “The Reliance W1 is a great option for those that are installing timber windows where security is required”.