Where to Buy a Private Covid-19 Rapid Test For Your Workforce

The pandemic has fundamentally changed how businesses operate, with social distancing and PPE being just two of the new factors that need to be considered. If you’re an employer in the UK, you’ll likely already know about your obligations to your staff in protecting them against Covid-19.

With this in mind, you may have heard about the antigen rapid test that can be bought as an extra measure that can be implemented to safeguard your workforce. In this article, we take a closer look at the Covid-19 rapid test and delve down into what it is and how it works.

What Is the Antigen Rapid Test?

Private Covid-19 Antigen rapid test kits are designed to pick up those who are asymptomatic when carrying the live virus in their bodies. They are key to preventing the spread of coronavirus, as despite perhaps feeling ok themselves, Covid carriers that feel no symptoms of the virus are still highly contagious.

It’s important to know that these tests only pick up current infections, rather than antibody tests that determine whether you’ve previously been infected with the virus. If you need this kind of reading, you’ll need to go for a PCR kit, which tests for RNA in the sample and must be sent for lab processing.

And How Do They Work?

Healgen Covid-19 rapid test kits are one of just three types that are officially approved for use by the UK government. Inside the packs, you’ll find it contains 20 individual sterile swabs, which are used to take a saliva sample from the nasal passage and throat. What makes them ‘rapid’ is that you only have to wait 15 minutes, with nothing needing to be sent away.

The packs, which have a shelf life of up to 2 years, can either be kept refrigerated or at room temperature. That said, if you do store yours in a refrigerator, you’ll need to allow the buffer solution to reach room temperature before conducting any tests.

The pack will typically include:
  • Test cassette
  • Extraction buffer solution
  • Workstation
  • Extraction tube
  • Nasopharyngeal Sterile swabs
  • Package insert (to stand complete sample tubes in)

After following the necessary steps, you’ll get a reading within 15 minutes that has an overall accuracy of 98.8%. It’s vital that you’re exact with the time taken, as readings after 20 minutes can’t be relied upon. Here you see the complete process involved with Healgan antigen rapid test kits from start to finish.

Buy Your Antigen Rapid Test  Kits From Quest Hardware

Healgan Covid-19 rapid test kits can be purchased from the Quest Hardware online store and we’ll get them delivered right to your door. What’s more, if your order’s over £75, we’ll ship it to you completely free of charge overnight, so you and your employees quickly get the tests they need to stay protected.

Simply follow this link, place your order and we’ll do the rest. It couldn’t be easier to get your workforce regularly tested and keep everyone safe.

At Quest Hardware, we’ve been supplying specialist equipment to businesses across the UK since 1985, so you can trust us to provide quality where it’s needed. If you’d like to know more about us, take a look around our website or give us a call on 01280 428309 if you’re in need of expert advice about any of our products.